What shopping carts show us about capitalistic ableism

December 31, 2023

Well that was a surprise: my last post was over 5 months ago, and in that post I said I would continue writing, but then, well, chronic illness was its usual pain in the ass and then some. Still, better late than never, right?

I said in that post that I was dealing with a lot of fatigue because my medications were off and I was waiting to see a new doctor. Well, that new doctor ran a lot of tests; I thought she went overboard, but I’m so glad she ran them! Not only were my medications off, but she found a couple of other issues, also. I’m getting treatments for both. One is long term and I’m slowly but surly getting better. The other should be temporary, and if my immune system was functioning the way it should, I’d be better by now. But it’s not, and I’m not. So instead I’m spending a lot of time resting. I’m not socializing with friends or doing fun things. But hopefully soon, in the next few months, that will get better, too. The fatigue has improved, but not enough, and over-exertion is a big issue.

Even with the extra health issues and the accompanying extra symptoms, I need to keep doing the basics of life, and that includes getting groceries. It was on a recent grocery trip that I felt fed up with the shopping cart system. I’m sure it’s different in different parts of the world, but where I am, the system sucks for disabled folks.

Let’s say you use a cart while you shop, and then you use it to bring your purchases to your car. What do you do with the cart after you unload everything? Where I am, there are usually two options: bring the cart back to the store’s entrance, or put it in one of the cart return areas in the parking lot. There are usually a couple of these in each parking aisle. This seems simple, but there are definitely problems.

Typically the parking spaces closest to the store entrance are marked as accessible parking. Then there are a few regular parking spaces. Then a cart return. Then more parking spaces and, depending on the size of the lot, there may be a second return farther down the aisle.

The most obvious problem is that some people don’t feel like walking to those cart drop-off areas. If they’re parked near the accessible parking spaces, which are bigger than most, then if one is empty, people will often leave carts there. Even if the spaces are taken, people will often leave carts in the marked off area next to the spaces, which then blocks many wheelchair users and others from enter or exiting their vehicles.

The problem that is apparently less obvious but shouldn’t be, is that disabled folks also need to return our carts. Let’s say I park in an accessible spot because I need to reduce the amount I must walk. By the time I get to my car I’m in pain and/or fatigued. Now I need to return my cart. Walking back to the store is too far. And walking all the way over to a cart return is also too far – if it weren’t, I could have parked over there to begin with!

Both of these problems could be solved by simply moving the cart returns closer to the accessible parking spots. Then we’d have accessible parking spots followed by cart returns followed by regular parking spots and then another cart return and finally more regular parking spots.

This solves both problems because disabled people would have an easier time returning our carts and non-disabled people who park nearby could leave their carts in the cart returns instead of in the accessible parking spaces.

This is where capitalism comes in, I would guess. Stores want customers. Most customers do not park in accessible parking. Most customers want to park close to the store. The stores do not want to take up the closer regular parking spots with cart returns. That isn’t an efficient use of space for their paying customers. Yes, it’s only a tiny extra distance for an abled person to walk. Yes, someone who has to return a cart would need to do extra walking either way, and this just changes the direction. But it feels like more effort for folks, and no one wants that. Apparently it’s better to cause a few people to expend a whole lot of effort than to cause a lot of people to expend a tiny amount of effort.

I’m curious what you think. Are parking lots in your area set up in this way? Have you experienced a better system? Am I missing something? I’d love to know!

Stairs mean I’m not welcome – even if you disagree

March 28, 2017

Last night I went to an event and I arrived to find that the only parking was down the street, and the entrance had 3 stairs. Are you kidding me!?!

This is far from the first time, but I admit it was more surprising than usual. After all, this event was big on promoting inclusivity. Apparently that covers a lot of minority groups, but not those who are disabled. I was lucky I was able to do those stairs last night. Some days I can’t. And what about everyone else who can’t? They would have shown up, only to have to turn around and go home.

I remember going to my 10 year high school reunion and arriving to find a flight of stairs. I was pissed. I almost turned around and went home. I was in so much pain that I had almost stayed home in the first place, and now stairs! They were basically saying that no one who had developed health issues that limited their use of stairs was welcome, not to mention our classmate with cerebal palsy who was in a wheelchair all through our school years together. WTF, organizers?! I know she wasn’t in your “cool” circle but that doesn’t make her any less a part of our class!

I said something to the reunion organizers at the time. Now our 20 year reunion is coming up. I should probably say something again, just to be sure. Is this really so hard?

Last night I said something, too. The organizer immediately tried to point out a tiny back door that of course I hadn’t known existed. I told him, “If there’s no sign, it’s not accessible! If there’s no parking, it’s not accessible!” Because if someone can’t walk far, they can’t get from that parking lot to the building. And how is someone supposed to know to come around to the back door? Never mind not everyone can walk that far. And I’m not sure the path is wide enough and even enough for a wheelchair. And it’s not lit. So yeah, really not accessible.

And the truth is, there was a sign. There was a big, huge, blatant sign: “Disabled People Not Welcome!” That’s the sign I saw when I looked at those stairs.

Would you go to an event that had a sign saying “No Jews” like the signs my grandparents literally saw years ago? How about a sign saying “Whites Only” with a door for racial minorities around back? No? If those aren’t ok, then why does our society feel it’s ok to have figurative “Able-bodied Only” signs? They’re everywhere, and I’m completely fed up. THIS IS NOT OK!!!

The one bright spot was that at the end of the event, I mentioned something to the other participants. It was disheartening that they hadn’t noticed something, but at least their response was better than the organizer’s. They didn’t try to justify anything. Instead, they immediately started brainstorming where next month’s event could be held that would be accessible.

That made me happy. Then again, the bar has been set super low. We need to raise it, because no one should be able to get away with that attitude unchallenged.

How do you handle these kinds of situations? Please comment!

Pups, trees, and better health

December 27, 2016

img_20161223_091955I grew up in a suburb, then went to college in a quiet rural area. But my university had around 17,000 undergraduate students, plus graduate students, faculty, and staff. It was a city unto itself. After college I moved to a city, then a different city for graduate school, then several more moves within cities. Which is why it feels so odd to be living in the suburbs again.

Five short days ago I moved to a suburb that’s a lot quieter and smaller than the one I grew up in. This will be a huge adjustment, but overall I think it will be good. Since this blog is about living with a chronic illness, here are a few ways I think it will be good for my health:

  • This complex allows dogs and there are dogs everywhere. I’ve pet many in just these few short days, including my neighbor’s new puppy! Petting dogs always makes me feel better, no matter what. And soon I’ll have one of my own!
  • Check out the view from my desk at the top of this post. It’s not as great as my old view, but from my window I can see so many trees! From my apartment I can take a walk along a path through woods, something I used to have to drive to do. This will do wonders for my emotional health.
  • It’s so quiet here. I’ve been sleeping better than I thought was possible. When I’m awake, it’s peaceful and relaxing. It’s strange, and a huge adjustment, but I find it calming and lovely.
  • No. More. Stairs. I’m on the first floor and there are no stairs to get into the building. This is amazing!
  • Easy parking. I used to feel stressed out about finding a parking space. Then I would have to carry things from my car, sometimes several blocks, just to get to my building (before dealing with the stairs.) Now the tiny parking lot is by my front door, and I never have to park very far. Bringing in groceries today was so easy.
  • Laundry is now in my unit. The last time I had that was when I lived with my parents. My guess is that laundry won’t be fatiguing anymore.
  • No traffic. I have to do a lot more driving (I can no longer walk to things or take public transportation,) but it’s much less stressful.
  • Less pollution. ‘nuf said.
  • It’s a smaller apartment. There are downsides to that, and I’m not thrilled, but I also know that on the days I’m in too much pain to walk, having a smaller apartment will be super helpful.

In time, I’m sure I will find more ways this move will be beneficial to my health. In the meantime, I’m excited to enjoy these new benefits. Now excuse me while I go unpack some more boxes….

What a difference a parking spot can make

February 6, 2015

I should be out doing things today. I should at least be doing things around my apartment. Instead, it’s noon, I’m in my pajamas, and I’m having trouble finding the energy to do anything remotely useful. Why? Because of parking problems.2015-01-28 08.31.11

Parking is a problem in a lot of cities. It’s so inconvenient that I briefly considered going car-less a few years ago, but the reality is that there were just too many days, even when I was healthier, that I could walk to public transportation. So I kept my car. Which means I always need a place to put my car.

Boston has gotten a lot of snow recently – about 40″ in the last two weeks. And we’re do for another foot or two in the next few days. In a city of narrow roads, this greatly restricts parking. My neighborhood has parking on both sides of the street normally, but right now there’s only enough room to park on one side. That means that every time I drive, I worry about giving up my parking space.

Two days ago, I came home tired, then spent 1/2 hour looking for a parking space. By the time I got to my apartment I was too tired to cook dinner.

Yesterday I decided to take the bus instead of giving up my parking space. I took the bus, walked, walked more, took the bus, and took another bus. I was exhausted. I did everything I needed to while I was out, but it was tiring. Then I waited for the last bus for 30 minutes in wind chill temperatures around 10F. That didn’t help. Again, by the time I got home I was too tired to cook dinner.

Today I’m resting. If I had driven yesterday, I’d probably have the energy to do the few things I’d like to do today. I could go to the post office, cook, and generally feel decent. Instead, I feel lousy. And why? Because I didn’t want to give up my parking space.

I’ve thought about moving several times over the years, but this may be the last straw. It may be time to move now. I’ve tried to put up with the parking stresses, but last week I didn’t go out because of it, and that wasn’t good for my emotion health. This week I did go out and it wasn’t good for my physical health. Shouldn’t I live someplace where I can go out when I need to and come home when I need to? (By the way, parking can be tough even when there’s no snow on the ground. The snow just makes it that much harder.)

So I’m looking for a new apartment. In fact, that’s what I was doing when I took the bus yesterday. I’ve seen a couple places that are close to what I want, but not quite. I’m still looking. It’s a tough market, so please wish me luck!

And hopefully, by next winter, I will have an apartment with my very own, off street parking space. Oh, what a luxury that would be!